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Astronomy 101

I've been studying and writing about astronomy most of my life. It's a wonderful science, opening a gateway to so many other sciences and to the universe itself! I've written several books about astronomy as well as countless articles in newspapers and magazines. Astronomy keeps supplying me with great material to cover and I do my best to distill that firehose of knowledge for my readers.

The idea behind Astronomy 101 was to give readers a small taste of a variety of topics in astronomy. Got a few minutes to take a break? Pick up the book and read a thousand words on Mars, or black holes, or extraterrestrial life, or learn about how a famous astronomer did her work. Astronomy 101 isn't a big textbook—it's a smorgasbord of knowledge about the stars, planets, galaxies, and the universe. If something piques your interest, there are links to books and online sources for you to pursue.

I hope that you find at least one new thing in Astronomy 101 that you didn't know, and that it will let you look up at the starry skies with a new sense of wonder.