Where to Buy Carolyn's Books

Autographed books

We are able to offer individual autographed copies of Carolyn's books for sale directly.

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For multiple copies, bookstore and giftshop retail sales, see "Wholesalers" below.

Online sources


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Retail stores

If your local bookstore does not carry Carolyn's books, please tell them they can order from the wholesalers listed below.

Wholesalers / distributors

To stock these books for your giftshop or bookstore, contact these fine distributors:

For Space Exploration: Past, Present, Future (ISBN: 978-1445656038)
and The Discovery of the Universe (ISBN: 978-1445684130):

Distributor logoIPG - Independent Publishers Group

Trade and Publisher Inquiries Desk
+1 312 337 0747

For Astronomy 101 (ISBN: 978-1440563591)

Distributor logoSimon & Schuster's imprint Adams Media

Customer Service Desk: 1 800 223 2336